Jillian finally made her choice tonight with the somewhat surprising pick of Ed Swiderski, the slightly overweight Chicagoan, in what some might describe as the most scripted and dull season in Bachelorette history.
In an effort to keep the viewers awake throughout the entire two hour show, ABC brought back previously jilted Reid for an encore performance. Reid, who will go down in Bachelorette history as the only guy to be dumped twice in the same month in the same state by the same woman, can only look back at this as a "learning experience". Hey, at least he got two free trips to Hawaii.
And then there was Kip the drip...poor guy thought he had the final rose in the bag. Hell, after looking at the competition, wouldn't you ? But little did Kip know that his previous history as being the "dumper" and never the "dumpie" would come back to haunt him. Jillian obviously got her panties wet at the thought of seeing Kip in his bare nudeness, but figured at some point he would dump her as well. So she beat Kip to the punch and gave him some of his own medicine when she dumped Kip shortly after he told her he loved her. Be that a lesson for all gigolos who flaunt their eight pack stomach muscles.
As for Ed and Jillian...I truly hope this thing works out. But I can't see how it can given the fact that there are so many things working against them. Sure, Jillian and Ed like each other, and I'm sure they have chemistry. But lets look at reality...
Ed lives in Chicago, while Jillian lives in another country.
Ed is very tall, while Jillian is a midget.
Ed couldn't get it up during their first overnight date while Jillian rubbed him bra-less.
Ed might be gay.
Ed already broke Jil's heart once when he quit the show, and might break her heart again.
The bottom line is this.... Ed and Jillian have everything working against them because now they have to face the reality that the show is over and they are stuck with each other. No more free trips in first class to Spain, no more free trips to Hawaii, no more exotic dinners, no more overnight fantasy suite orgies with rose pedals scattered on the floor. From now on its Ed the overweight Cubs fan who likes hot dogs and beer. And if at some point they live together in Chicago, will Jillian be happy ? Especially after she has lived in beautiful Vancouver. Let me tell ya, I've been to both of those cities, and Chicago ain't no Vancouver. And what about the citizenship situation ? Will Jillian become a US citizen just to appease Ed ? Will Jillian really become a Cubs fan ? Would Ed really put her through that type of trauma ?
On the flip side, what if Jillian requests that Ed move to Canada ? Would Ed leave America just for her ? And would Ed really be happy with the Canadian health care system ? These are just little details that can make or break a relationship. If I were a betting man, I'd give Jillian's and Ed's relationship a 1 in 10 chance of lasting more than a year. But I'm hoping I'm wrong.
Finally, bravo to the ABC producers for scripting another make believe reality TV love story. We know you couldn't top Jason/Molly/Melissa, but you gave it your best try anyway. Problem was, Wes broke the sacred bond among contestants....as he told the truth about how corny and phony most of the show really is.
I can hardly wait for the next Bachelor show...